A set of concrete poles of the ŻN-10/200 type used for the construction of low-voltage networks and as a lighting lamp. ŻN poles replaced ALA and DANA poles. Elements cut and laser engraved with 2 mm cardboard. The model is intended for self-painting.
1:87 scale
Original height 10.00 m.
Height on a H0 scale - 115 mm
From the set you can get:
10 poles for building electric traction
Note the poles have the full length (so-called transport or deckchair) for mounting on a model should be shortened to the desired length.
The posts have holes for mounting accessories - crossmembers, insulators, lamps, support structures
1:87 scale
Original height 10.00 m.
Height on a H0 scale - 115 mm
From the set you can get:
10 poles for building electric traction
Note the poles have the full length (so-called transport or deckchair) for mounting on a model should be shortened to the desired length.
The posts have holes for mounting accessories - crossmembers, insulators, lamps, support structures