A Circuit Board and parts for making a switch controlled DFMini Player play audio on demand. You put a switch on your scene skirt and people can turn on the player to listen to the recording.
Specific Ideas For Use
The following are popular uses. Use them as starting points for your idea generation process.
- Provide voice description of the model – what it is represents, who made it, how it was made, etc. This is particularly useful at model shows.
- Provide sales information for particular items you have displayed on your table.
- Start and stop a sound enhanced accessory like a Christmas Village Display, carnival activities like a Merry Go Round, or other activities visitors would turn on a switch to watch.
Instructions For Use
At this link there are full instructions on how to assemble the board and how to set it up for use. Click here.
You get this package. You insert the elements into the holes in the circuit board and make very simple solder joints. No wiring is necessary. Read the instructions. Click here.
Circuit Board
DuPont Pin Socket 1
MP3 Player 1
3 Pin Screw Terminal 4
2 Pin Screw Terminal 2
SC Card 1
Speaker 2