Steam Engine TKw2
Information and history of the Steam Engine TKw2.
Locomotive steam engine TKw2, designed by Robert Garbe, was introduced at the World Exhibition in Malmo as T16 type 1. The locomotive proved to be highly valued by the Prussian railways. It was built in Prussia until 1924 with a total production of 1242 units under the designation T16 .
After World War I Poland received 37 units of T16 1 and the Polish State Railways redesignated them as TKw1.
After World War II Poland received 129 units marked TKw2. The served for 30 years after the war mainly in the Tarnów Mountains, and at Gliwice and Bytom.
Plans To Build TKw2
You get a book of plans and information, including specifications, about the engine.
The plans offer modelers and collectors the opportunity to build a highly detailed, museum quality, replica of the original locomotive. The model can be made using 1 mm card stock, styrene, or brass. The basic instructions in the book focus on card stock construction. Just substitute the material of your choice.
The resulting model is a highly detailed 1 to 25 scale replica of the original engine.
You can see a video review of this book with all the details at this link. Video being updated.
Here are images of some of the pages in the book. They show the visual instructions, text information and instructions plus some of the pages with cutouts.
Plan Book Details
Title Of Book - Polski Parowosz Towarowy z 1916 Roku
Number/size of the sheets with parts to cut out: 18,5 x A3
Number/size of the sheets with instruction drawings: 4 x A3
1 page with photographs of the model
Difficulty level of the model in 1-5 scale: 4 (from 1-very simple to 5-very complicated)
Computer drawings
Scale: 1:25
Length of the model: 508 mm
Author: Jan Kolodziej