Discover how to make a realistic thunder and lightning storm with a WS2812B Pixel LED strip using this Arduino project. The project features a random number of flashing LED pixels in blue, light blue, and white. The circuit board, provided in a kit, eliminates the need for wiring, and it includes a lightning controller and thunder sound player. Watch the video demonstration, learn about the kit, and follow the step-by-step assembly guide. Control the storm manually with labeled switches or integrate it with another microcontroller.
Circuit Board 1Arduino mini pro programmed 1
DFPlayer mini 1
3 pin screw terminal 3
2 pin screw 2
Speaker 3 watt 1
WS2812B 1 meter 1
32GB SD card programmed with thunder 1
Dupont pin sockets 2
Resistor 1k 1
FTDI Programmer 1
Note: SD card loaded with thunder sounds and Arduino Mini Pro is fully programmed.
Video Demonstration
Watch the storm in action. Click Here
How to assemble and how to use. Click Here