Plan and instructions for a cardstock model for brick texture or hand cut bricks.
This is a downloadable product that will come to you in .pdf format. So there is no shipping cost and you get the product immediately.
For all ages. Excellent for Children, Families, Train Layouts, Dioramas, Group Activities.
In comes to you in 1/60 scale. You can print it also in OO, HO, TT and N.
Printing and scaling instructions are at https://steamtraininfo.com/print-to-scale
Assembly instructions are at https://steamtraininfo.com/railroad-guard-shack
The plan instructions show you how to make the roof tiles from cardboard.
The sides are cut individually so that you can hand carve the brick if you wish. You can also just use a paper texture. The plan instructions show you how to hand carve the brick.
The windows and door you can make out of paper or veneer. The windows can also be made using colored paper and double sided tape. Again the plan instructions show you how to do all these.
If you are into working with thin brass, we show you how to easily make the door out of brass.
And the door handle you can make out of very thin wire. Will show you how.
Some people add gutters. We don't. But there are instructions on how to do that are in video instructions at https://steamtraininfo.com/make-gutters
Add this to your layout or make a mini diorama.
The plan comes to you in .pdf format which you immediately download. All instructions are in video and text format and you get the links.
You may use this plan as many times as you wish and we will provide you multiple downloads. You may use this to have an unlimited number of people make models in your school, adult center, club and so on as long as you are directly involved in that organization. You may not sell or give this plan away.