Get this thunder and lightning controller either as a DIY kit or a fully assembled controller.
This controller randomly flashes lightning when thunder sounds on an MP3 player exceed a threshold level. The lightning shows bright and clear on a Pixel LED strip. With one of these controllers add thunder and lightning to your scenery, room overhead or lamp.
The Sound Card is preloaded with thunder sounds and the Arduino mini pro is fully programmed.
How to assemble and use both is here.
Video Click Here
Circuit Board
Resistor 10K 1
Arduino mini pro 1
DFPlayer 1
IRF540N 1
2 pin crew terminal 2
3 pin screw terminal 2
5050 LED Strip 1
Speaker 1
32 GB 1
DuPont Pin Socket 2
You supply wires - telephone cable wire is fine.
Fully Assembled Controller
Board includes SD card, mp3 Player, Arduino Mini Pro
5050 LED Strip
You supply wires - telephone cable wire is fine.